
Thursday, October 19, 2006

I don't like Mondays

A couple recent newspaper articles have me banging my head against the wall: both appeared in Monday's NYT, Bob Herbert's "why aren't we shocked" and Allison Glock's "halloween on heels" I tried to get pastable links from the PI (they appeared as "mysogyny has deadly ramifications" and "what's so sexy about halloween?" respectively.) but you'll have to go find links elsewhere. I'm a pitiful blogger. i'll get better!

Herbert starts out quoting an Abercrombie & Fitch tee-shirt that states "Who needs a brain when you have these?" and then deconstructs the Amish School shooting. Why were girls singled out and why isn't anyone screaming about it? If the shooter had separated the black kids or the jewish kids (ok- he would have had to go to something other than an Amish school...) There would be outrage. But a crime against girls, women? too common. A girl or woman is assaulted every coupla minutes in America. This was a hate crime. And the Academy Award winning song last year?

sing it with me: It's hard out there for a pimp. good times good times.

Allison is searching for Halloween costumes with her daughters. she wants mouse ears. Cause she's just moved out to the country...
and she would be the Country Mouse, see...
She found sexy cat ears.She found Tavern Lady and French Maid and saucy Red Riding Hood. Hobo has become HillBilly Honey.

Her girls, 4 and 6, asked for Monsters! Superheroes!
when showed Wonder Woman, her youngest said

"She's pretty....but you can see her breasts"


At 8:57 PM, Blogger Fran said...

Misogyny is still cool, didn't you know? Of COURSE it is! And so many women back it up.

Makes me either sad or pissy. Frequently both. Bah.

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read both these articles you quote from and found both of them odd. Theres an article in the Washington Post about John Grisham refusing to pay for parking(cost$5) and had his car towed and paid $95 and is in dispute withthe owner of the parking lot and minimall whree he spends $300 a week and feels the parking should be free. He's fighing it. herzog/

At 9:39 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Hiya Zog!
glad to see ya here.
I'm not surprised at Johnny's behavior, when I heard the interview this week about freeing an innocent man, it occurred to me " wow, Grisham grew a soul!"

And did he have anything to do with freeing the dude or did he just write about it? I can't remember it was ever said.

someday I'll tell ya the one where I got to disagree with the Grish in USA Today!

At 10:03 PM, Blogger Lobster Johnson said...

Here's a link for
"halloween on heels", no guarantees. The NYT charges for editorials written by it's staff writers, so there's no free link for "Mysogyny".

At 10:51 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Hey thanks to Lobster!

do we know ya round here matey?

you're appreciated- who ever you are!


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