
Friday, November 10, 2006

it's the Rev. Dave Book-a-Thon!

We are entering into a venture with Anntichrist S. Coulter. Rev Dave is from the online community which has so embraced us at Jesus'General. She is an amazing powerhouse who raised $5,ooo.oo for Katrina folks and packed her pick-up and drove supplies into NOLA. If you look at her blog she is also setting up an account for Lee who she met in the aftermath and needs help to deal with a brain tumor.

Initially, I was smitten by her cussin'. But if you notice her byline is "Queen of Free-Form Invective. Well. She lives up to it!

I'll try to find more info on this "Dave" guy, but if anyone is moved by the below, Jackson Street Books will ship him the book you buy with $1.55 shipping and send an extra free book. 2fer!

Here's the deal: My very dear friend "Reverend" Dave, of the great nawthen Illinois backwoods public radio world, is a POW in the Culture War, being incarcertated in Oklahomastan for at least the next year.

Tammy & Dan at Jackson Street Books & Seattle Mystery Bookshop in Seattle, the coolest, most generous, most wonderful booksellers that I have ever known --- they sent me an assload of books for my surgical recovery, and we had just MET!!! --- have agreed to go in with me on this Book-A-Thon to try and keep Rev. Dave from losing his mind in the pokey. All you have to do is go to their website (also in our handy sidebar), for Jackson Street Books, and tell 'em that you're wanting to contribute to Dave's book mission. And have no fear, Dave ain't selfish --- if he gets transferred to a "real" pennitentiary (a very real and frightening possibility), he won't be able to take everything with him, so whatever books that he can't take, he's going to donate them to the local jail's library where he is now.

He has been lucky enough to go out and do a lot of great work for the local NDN/Native American reservation nearby, and he's been working his skinny ass off, and the NDNs have been very kind and generous in return, with some of the best groceries he's had since being dragged back to Oklahomastan.

If y'all remember Rev. Dave from the comments here and at Jesus' General and BlondeSense, and want to help a brutha out, or if you have no idea about whom I'm talking but just want to do a nice thing (y'all already did so much nice shit for me, what's another 5, 10 bucks for a guy with a very educated, brilliant mind who is trapped in one of the scariest states in the union?) --- please holler at Seattle Tammy & Seattle Dan --- they've got all of the info, and they're REALLY going to help y'all out with the shipping/postage stuff.

Dave can only receive books that are coming STRAIGHT from a distributor (contraband, blah blah blah) and other brand-new items, so if you can't swing a whole book but you'd like to write Dave a supportive letter, drop me a line in e-mail and I'll give you his current address. Hell, I'll give y'all his RESUME' if you wanna see it.

Dave has been one of the most encouraging, supportive people I've met (like all of y'all, of course) on the internets, and even tried to drag me back into radio, after a fashion. So if you've got a little spare change, hook a brutha up, wouldja please? Y'all know how much I appreciate it, and y'all are the people who are always the first to give --- the rich motherfuckers give maybe 1% of their wealth, but I've always seen, read, and known that poor folks, working-class folks, working-their-asses-off people are the first ones to give, and the ones who give the most and the most reliably.


Posted by Anntichrist S. Coulter to Mark Of The Beast


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